  • About Pantyhose Share Club

    • Online Since 2011.
    • The world's first Pantyhose Social Network.
    • Celebrate Your Pantyhose Lifestyle - Yes, you heard it here first.
  • Join The Conversation!

Who is Electricgurl?

I've been wearing pantyhose since I was a little girl and I first acknowledged the fact that I'm a pantyhose addict in my early 20's. I'm now 50-something and I've been sharing my passion for pantyhose with others online for over 20 years. I think of us pantyhose addicts as a community - people with different lives, careers, other interests, etc., but with one central theme running through our lives and all that we do - a never-ending compulsion for pantyhose!

If you feel the same affection for, love for, compulsion for pantyhose that I do and you feel part of (or want to be a part of) a larger community of pantyhose lovers, then you've come to the right place. I started Pantyhose Share Club for people just like us! It's a place where you can indulge your pantyhose fetish and share your pantyhose passion with others, allowing you to connect with this amazing community of pantyhose lovers.

I am so happy you're here! I hope you enjoy the site, indulge yourself and share with others. Stop back often to see the latest updates and contribute more to the collections and our ongoing pantyhose conversation.

I look forward to sharing more with you soon!